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As a self-taught artist, I have focused on the beauty that surrounds us in the every day.....   from the ordinary to the extraordinaryA subtle shadow can transform a shape with the simplest contrast of light upon it, and can make what may seem unremarkable, outstanding.  I have come to respect that we each have an innate sense of what appeals to us, and that unique perspective is what defines all of us as special.  If we could find the courage and freedom to explore that wonderful individuality, we would come to know that there is an artist in each and every one of us.    There are no wrong choices when it comes to personal expression...   just interesting , different and exciting results.  My book,  YOUR PIZZA PALETTE TM: A New 'Spin' On Pizza For The Artist In You has this message.....  listen to your inner voice, respect the uniqueness in all your senses, and pay attention to the endless gift of your imagination!                                              

                                                                                                                      Barbara Bonventre
